Sunday 10 April 2011

Come on Brian Cox

Thanks for the Wonders of the Universe programmes....but come on...its all very well showing us all the wonders in the night sky....BUT MOST OF US CANT SEE MUCH BECAUSE WE ARE URBAN ASTRONOMERS and street lighting has taken away our night sky stars.......... What about combining environmental and astronomical needs and switching orf urban lights peraps after 1 am or something.....WE HAVE LOST OUR STARSCAPES. So Dear Brian Cox.......hows about doing us all a big favour ... and .......GET US OUR NIGHT SKIES BACK.....PLEASE.... Just needed to get that said....
Anyway I am reporting that the telescope shed is now a sinch to open up on its wheels....I still have to do something about its roof cos it is really heavy. Got some ideas and its a job for next summer (lets hope we get one) .
More fab weather hoping to try out the DSI again........still looking for the parfocal ring??????? hmmmmm ... got the picture....

Wednesday 6 April 2011

A shed on wheels !!!!!!

Yesterday was a good day to open up the observatoryshed and afix wheels to all the sides.....this has made it so easy to manover thank thing is to put a rubber (or summat flexible) skirting round the base as it is now a couple of inches above the decking and it will be drafty !!!!!!! ha ha

Am considering where to put handles....and I remember the 2 Ronnies sketch....fork handles

four candles....forkandles ha ha....I think I will need fourhandles.......

And I must do sommat about the very heavy lid/roof , cos I can see me struggling with it in the not too distant future....and I dont want anything to stop my using the scope.....its just a brilliant piece of kit.....I have to learn how to focus it yet...2 pages of instuctions and a couple of bits that I know not what they are....or what they do..... a Parfocal ring ??????? harumph harumph .... I will need to find out........such a lot to learn...and now all the time in the world to play....yippedee do dah.....

And here it is, the observatory shed complete with wheels, rubber skirt and handles......

I have even put a hook for the spanner (needed to undoo the bolts that hold it all together )

After some discussion with the supplier, Telescope House, I think I might have to join a club !!!!!!

Anyway for the moment, the power pack can have a good charge and it can all waite till I have done some more studying of instructions...